KryoFlux software (DTC, GUI) release history

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KryoFlux 2.40 Release 1 (Windows)

Post by mr.vince »

KryoFlux v2.40 rel.1 release package

Changes since 2.20:


- processing pipeline rewrite and added x64 executable. DTC is now up to 300% faster than previous version (e.g. conversion from stream to CT raw). 64bit version of DTC is recommended for 64bit versions of Windows. You will need at least Windows Vista to use the 64bit version.

Please make sure to use correct version of capsimg.dll and place in correct directoy.

on 32bit systems: place 32bit dll in Windows/System32
on 64bit systems: place 64bit dll in Windows/System32, place 32bit dll in Windows/SysWOW64

- with new capsimg.dll you can now directly load CT raw (stream coming soon) images in emulators, e.g. WinUAE, FS-UAE, Hatari, STEem, Spectaculator and many more.

- support wildcards ? and * when specifying the source image for image conversion or writing to disk. The file that has been selected by the program using the wildcards is being displayed at the beginning of the operation.


- improved quality of CT raw image renderer

- improved quality of G64 image renderer

- improved data recovery capability for various disk formats

- improved analysis of the recorded cell bands

Download as usual:
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Filtering difference between v2.40 and v2.20

Post by mr.vince »

As per a user report we have identified a small regression issue in release 2.40 for Windows with the filtering of data when exporting data e.g. to sector dumps. It may happen that HD disks dumped report noise tracks instead of valid decoded data. Please note that the data dumped from the floppy disk (stream files) itself is fine, it is just the transformation (filtering) during sector dump generation that is more sensitive than it should be. We will be putting up a maintenance release (2.41) when this has been addressed.

As an interim solution, please use v2.20 for processing data coming from HD disks, for everything else, SD and DD disks, please use v2.40.

If you don't have v2.20 (anymore), get it here: ...

Please note that both versions, 2.20 and 2.40, can be installed on the very same system at any time without any interference.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.
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SPS Decoder Library 5.1 Windows binary + source

Post by mr.vince »

This is the latest revision of the SPS Decoder Library which will enable IPF & CT RAW files in many emulators like WinUAE, FS-UAE, Caprice, Hatari etc. ... ...

More binary builds to follow. If you want to help comiling the lib for other platforms, let us know so we can post binaries here.

The source will soon be moved to a public repository.
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KryoFlux v2.50 Windows Release 1

Post by mr.vince »

Changes since 2.20/2.40:


- completely rewritten cell band detection and noise detection, filtering should now be spot on for SD and HD disks.

- processing pipeline rewrite and added x64 executable. DTC is now up to 300% faster than previous version (e.g. conversion from stream to CT raw). 64bit version of DTC is recommended for 64bit versions of Windows. You will need at least Windows Vista to use the 64bit version.

Please make sure to use correct version of capsimg.dll and place in correct directoy.

on 32bit systems: place 32bit dll in Windows/System32

on 64bit systems: place 64bit dll in Windows/System32
place 32bit dll in Windows/SysWOW64

- with new capsimg.dll you can now directly load CT raw (stream coming soon) images in emulators, e.g. WinUAE, FS-UAE, Hatari, STEem, Spectaculator and many more.

- support wildcards ? and * when specifying the source image for image conversion or writing to disk. The file that has been selected by the program using the wildcards is being displayed at the beginning of the operation.

- GUI now supports density line to be set and offers additional fields for image local and global parameters.

- one more thing: added technology preview of RepliFlux technology. With this feature, KryoFlux can now write back stream data without further analysation or conversion. As this is only a preview in this release, certain limitations apply (will be removed by later releases): The disk must be index aligned. Weak bits and no flux areas are likely to fail.

To replicate a disk, create a stream dump, then write it back with

DTC -fD:\dump\track -w
(where the dump would be in "D:\dump" with the stream files being called "track00.0.raw", "track00.1.raw", etc.)

We need your feedback here, visit our forums! Be sure to check the manual addendum in the docs folder.
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KryoFlux v2.51 Windows & Linux Release 1

Post by mr.vince »

The Disk Tool Console (DTC) has been updated to version 2.51 and builds for Windows and Linux have been released. Further builds are being prepared and will be published accordingly.

This latest update improves writing and will show an OTF (on-the-fly) Analysis Summary before commencing. This is helpful when a clone turns out to be troublesome. Just add "-l64" to the command line for the nitty gritty details.

Get your download here:
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KryoFlux v2.51 Mac OS X Release 2

Post by mr.vince »

Just noticed that I had not posted this here before... we have released the Mac build of the latest codebase last month and updated it to R2 last Friday to address a small buffer problem which came up on some machines (no dumping possible).

This latest update improves writing and will show an OTF (on-the-fly) Analysis Summary before commencing. This is helpful when a clone turns out to be troublesome. Just add "-l64" to the command line for the nitty gritty details.

Get your download here:
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KryoFlux v2.61 AmigaOS 4 Release

Post by mr.vince »

Happy Birthday, Commodore Amiga! Even 30 years after its revelation the Amiga still sees new software releases. Today, we are very happy to announce that we have an update for you fellow Amiga users. The Disk Tool Console (DTC) has been updated to version 2.61 and Marcus Comstedt has made the impossible possible: even though all versions starting from 2.50 require a newer compiler, this could not stop Marcus from also updating the entire tool chain.

This latest update improves writing and will show an OTF (on-the-fly) Analysis Summary before commencing. This is helpful when a clone turns out to be troublesome. Just add "-l64" to the command line for the nitty gritty details.

Oh, and one last thing: YES, this version does write IPF & STREAM files (and others as well). :)

Get your download here:
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KryoFlux v2.51 Mac OS X Release 2 Compatibility Tech Note

Post by mr.vince »

Important: As of today, Mac OS X 10.11 is NOT COMPATIBLE with KryoFlux. Apple has changed ("broken") something with USB that's been working for ages (for us from at least 10.6 to 10.10).

Please note that this is due to changes by Apple which do not only affect KryoFlux. KryoFlux uses bulk transfers which are less common (but clearly defined in the USB standard). It seems that Apple is aware of the issue as other hardware components, e.g. hardware dongles etc., also have problems with El Capitan. Although we are investigating the issue we do not have any short term plans to fix something that has been broken by the OS manufacturer. It makes sense to repair the root cause instead of fixing the symptoms.
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KryoFlux v2.62 Mac OS X Release

Post by mr.vince »

When you say Yosemite, why not also say El Capitan? After several months of waiting we have decided to give it a go and try and work around what should work as per specification. We'd like to thank Mac specialist Alexander Coers for making it happen. The major obstacle was fixing code that should have been working and gave different results on different machines. Please test thoroughly and let us know. We've still kept the link for the last release on the website, just in case you run into any problems and deleted your current version.
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KryoFlux v2.72 Windows Release

Post by mr.vince »

It's been some time, but we're still here. Today DTC 2.72, the host software for KryoFlux, the world's most sophisticated and reliable floppy disk imaging solution, has been released.
Floppies don't change, it's an almost ancient technology, still, there are things that can be enhanced. So here's the latest release of the host software package including DTC 2.72 for Windows.

This release officially drops support for Windows XP although it might still work, depending on service packs installed. You will now need at least Windows Vista to run the KryoFlux host software. This release also contains an updated GUI which requires at least Java 8 to run.

This release fixes some edges cases and features a lot of internal updates and enhancements.

Among the new features, there's full graph support with user defined parameters. Graphs may be optionally generated whenever DTC reads a track from either stream files or a KryoFlux board. This enables you to see the way the data passes the internal processing pipeline, e.g. where multiple revolutions outline read errors. As long as there's a single good read, DTC will find its way through the "maze" of data read. It's never been easier identifying good dumps, and with the latest release, this feature comes built right into DTC.

DTC 2.72 is part of the the KryoFlux Host Software package and available for free for all registered private & non-commercial users. Pro users may upgrade if their licence is still active. ...