Drives confirmed working with KryoFlux

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Drives confirmed working with KryoFlux

Post by mr.vince »

These drives are 100% compatible. Many others are as well - but if you want to be sure... these here are. If you have one that works and is not in the list, please reply. Admins will merge your entry to the list at the top.

Please note that we do have more drives on file, but currently lack the time to make a list. Please help by submitting your data.

Manufacturer, Model, Revision, Production date

Matsushita, EME-150A (a.k.a. Amstrad FD-1), Tracks: 42

ALPS, DF354H090F
ALPS, DF354H911C, Tracks: 84
Epson, SMD-300, Tracks: 84
Mitsumi , D395M3
NEC, FD1231H, Tracks: 82
Newtronics (Mitsumi), D359
Panasonic, JU-253-071P (DD only), Tracks: 84
Panasonic, JU-257, Tracks: 84
Panasonic, JU-256
Samsung, SFD-321B, T5, Tracks: 84
Sony, MP-F40W-23 (DD & HD only), Tracks: 84
Sony, MPF-920, Tracks: 82
TEAC, FD-235HF, Tracks: 82

Chinon, FZ-506, Rev. F, 1990, Tracks: 82
Epson, SD-600, Tracks: 84
Matsushita, JU-475-3EAF, Tracks: 84
Mitsubishi, M4853-342M (DD only), Tracks: 84
NEC, FD1157C, Tracks: 84
Newtronics (Mitsumi), D509, V2, 1989
Newtronics (Mitsumi), D509, V3, 1989
Panasonic, JU-475-4AK0, Tracks: 84
Qume, Qumetrac 142 (SD only), 1985, Tracks: 81
Tandon, TM75-8, Tracks: 84
Teac, FD-55GFR, Tracks: 84
(Y-E Data, YD-380B)*

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Re: Drives confirmed working with KryoFlux

Post by karadoc »

Newtronics (Mitsumi), D359

Works fine, but this drive is not completely enclosed, which is quite annoying when resting on an uneven surface as the motor spinning can be restricted (unless you put it upside down).
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Re: Drives confirmed working with KryoFlux

Post by mr.vince »

Really? I always avoided these due to bad reputation. ;)

We're working on something for surface mounting, but the only option so far seems Plexiglas, which needs to be lasered, which is not cheap.
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Re: Drives confirmed working with KryoFlux

Post by tect »

Mitsumi , D395M3 (which IS completely enclosed ;) )
ALPS, DF354H090F
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Re: Drives confirmed working with KryoFlux

Post by Darkstar »


Currently dumping with:
Panasonic JU-475-4AK0

and it seems to work great so far.

*Edit: It seeks up to track 83

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Re: Drives confirmed working with KryoFlux

Post by mr.vince »

Darkstar wrote:5,25"

Currently dumping with:
Panasonic JU-475-4AK0

and it seems to work great so far.

*Edit: It seeks up to track 83

Awesome idea to add maxtrack to the list! :) Thanks!!

BTW maxtrack is always +1, so in this case the drive can step to 84.
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Re: Drives confirmed working with KryoFlux

Post by Darkstar »

I just connected my old 3.5" disk drive, ith's the same Mitsumi D359M3, and it can step to maxtrack=82 (i.e. 83 tracks)

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Re: Drives confirmed working with KryoFlux

Post by TerokNor »

Hi everyone,

just finished testing all my drives with -c2. Here's the results:

I have 3 TEAC FD-235HF, all work fine, 1 goes to maxtrack=80, the other two go to maxtrack=81.
Also one Epson SMD-300, which goes to maxtrack=83.

Epson SD-600
Teac FD-55GFR
Mitsumi/Newtronics D509 V3
Y-E Data YD-380B

All work, and all go to maxtrack=83.
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Re: Drives confirmed working with KryoFlux

Post by esynthesist »

I did some tests today too.

Here are the results for now (I have many other drives...)

- OK: Epson SMD-340 (aka HP D2035) works fine; maxtracks = 83; jumpers set to standard AT mode as labeled on the drive

- OK: Teac FD-55GFR works fine; maxtracks = 83; 2 jumpers set (1) D0 or D1 and (2) DC (disk change)
- Not OK: Chinon FZ-506, Rev A. This drive works fine in the same PC where the Teac is normally used, but it doesn't work with the Kryoflux (control commands rejected)

By the way: are jumper settings important ?
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Re: Drives confirmed working with KryoFlux

Post by karadoc »

Thanks for all the info guys.

Jumper settings are not so important, no.

One allows you to erase the firmware without having to disconnect from power (good for development). The others (IIRC) are configuration for connect two drives on the same floppy cable, though you can only use one at a time.
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