kryoflux-ui (java GUI) file does not open

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kryoflux-ui (java GUI) file does not open

Post by Michael_S »


I am trying to open the GUI file (Win 10) under dtc it is said kryoflux-ui type jar, but if I double click it tries to extract it does not show that user interface
as in this video 9 min 50 sec
From command prompt I think all previous steps are working as it read the track but it does not spin the disc ( 5.25'' Epson SD 600, 1.2mb), when I repeated step dtc- c2, heads moves multiple times front then back then it shows:
Shows maxtrack=83

Any help how to start that GUI java will be appreciated please
Very good support here from David and others- thank you very much for all explanation and rest I figured out.

Thank you
Last edited by Michael_S on 25 Apr 2023, 19:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: kryoflux-ui (java GUI) file does not open

Post by Michael_S »

I see by default it tries to open with some BreeZip, what to change too, If to select to open as:
c->Program Files-> Java-> jre 1.8->bin-> java
It also does not open that UI. Jave 8 it seems I have installed
thank you
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Re: kryoflux-ui (java GUI) file does not open

Post by mr.vince »

What happens if you try to call the UI from Java via the command line (meta code: java -r kryoflux_ui.jar)? Are there other Java apps that work on your system? This could give a hint if your Java installation is ok.
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Re: kryoflux-ui (java GUI) file does not open

Post by brightcaster »

Have a look at BreeZip options. I guess you tagged something like "open java archives with BreeZip" which changes the meta data for java files to get opened with BreeZip instead of Java. Or get rid of BreeZip if you don't use it a all...

And yes, it is true that the whole issue of floppy preservation is not really easy going. But that is the nature of things. There is a very steep learning curve. The software is written more for experts than average users. If you look through the postings in this forum you will see that almost every issue could be solved in the end, just by using the right workflow and parameters. (You can't buy a Stradivarius and expect to be able to play it immediately without any problems!)

BTW: Are you sure you use the last version of the manual (from the homepage)?

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Re: kryoflux-ui (java GUI) file does not open

Post by Michael_S »

Thank you for information
The breezip I removed and now Firefox is as defalt program and I have also Java Conrol Panel as option to open but it does not work.
What is the exact Java app name to open that file?

It shows me that command when I typed in.
Does it mean the virtual machine is not installed?, I installed some if you could provide the link to download the correct one.
Thank you very much once again
Kryo-flux screen shot command prompt.JPG
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Re: kryoflux-ui (java GUI) file does not open

Post by brightcaster »

The command line should be "java -jar kryoflux-ui.jar"

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Re: kryoflux-ui (java GUI) file does not open

Post by Michael_S »

Wonderful – it works thank you David
I am in next stage now..
I will try to get that copyright free chopper game ready in file format suitable to write to my Amstrad DS/DD 360kb- the one I mentioned before.
(PS. Link to game I deleted -it is freeware but website may not be ok)
Last edited by Michael_S on 25 Apr 2023, 22:23, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: kryoflux-ui (java GUI) file does not open

Post by Michael_S »

I am making power-point instruction as we speak of steps- for laik of course
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Re: kryoflux-ui (java GUI) file does not open

Post by Michael_S »

All works- thank you very much David and KryoFlux team (edited previous post to give very good feedback).
I managed to connect Amstrad PC1512DD 360 kb 5.25’’ floppy drive (DS/DD) and burn that Chopper commando game, all works on Amstrad PC1512DD instantly with no failure.
That standard Amstrad drive woks with KryoFlux- just don’t calibrate/test it as it makes noise- just try to test dump first any disk using GUI, it will work fine without any calibration and will stop head at position needed for next write to disk step, then close GIU and use prompt command.
I will have few recommendations to manuals to explain better, few things and will put powerpoint later on.

I have unzip freeware game file then using HxCFloppyEmulator -> Disk Browser -> Create Disk -> Save/Export to single hfe file format using drop down menu 5.25” 8” 360KB DSDD 300 RPM FAT12 (don’t accidently load another template with 360 RPM as file name is nearly identical)

Then in the same software Load that single hfe file and Export as KF stream file (*.raw)- then close software
NOW in Amstrad Format A: new floppy 5.25’’ using the same drive then load to floppy connected to KryoFlux.
Command prompt- then run simple command.
In file name <> should not be used and need to add .raw for first raw file location
dtc -f<pathtostreamfiles/firstfile> -w (in manuals)

works as dct -fpathtostreamfiles/firstfile.raw -w

I have just one question how to limit it not checking the track above 41 (I have 83 tracks DS/DD dicks)
I added -e42 -w to limit to 42 (was not sure if to put to 41) so it does not move head to far but it went for moment to last one, but previously when not added -e at all it moved 42, 43 so instantly disconnected drive but disc/drive still worked. Maybe next time will do -e41
41.1 : Writing RAW
42.0 : Writing RAW, <unformatted>
42.1 : Writing RAW, <unformatted>
82.0 : Writing RAW, <unformatted>
82.1 : Writing RAW, <unformatted>
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Re: kryoflux-ui (java GUI) file does not open

Post by Klaus »

I installed the v3 package driver onto WIN7ultimate 32bit
and the drive reports
CM maxtrack=83

But I can't open the kryoflux-ui by double clicking...
The command window pops up and closes again,
same when double clicking the DTC app

Installed Java 8 and the java control panel reports version 1.8.0_371 product...
I have i.e. iLiveEditor 1.94 or Ease running with this version of Java...
Thanks for hints !
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